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I never really liked Beckham, tho I never really dislike him either.
He may not be the most talented player (no, he isn't), he may be too pretty, too famous than he deserves to be,
but you gotta give it up for the passion and effort he puts into the game.

For someone like him, he could've been less care, coz he would've been famous anyway.
But he does put 100% in every game he plays, although whether or not he can perform 100%, is another story. :P

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〈西甲〉Beckham建功 各方齊聲稱讚
02-11 20:32

路透馬德里電---David Beckham週六一復出馬上進球,幫助皇馬在西甲聯賽客場2-1逆轉擊敗皇家社會,賽後他得到了隊友、總教練Fabio Capello和西班牙媒體的齊聲喝采。

Beckham一個月前宣布本季結束將加盟美國職業足球大聯盟洛杉磯銀河(LA Galaxy)隊後,隨即遭Capello棄用。週六這場比賽皇家社會早早取得領先,但Beckham在半場結束前八分鐘以其招牌自由球破門,為皇馬扳平比分。

Ruud van Nistelrooy隨後在下半場第三分鐘頭槌破門,為皇馬鎖定勝局,止住兩連敗。




van Nistelrooy也對自己的前曼聯隊友讚不絕口。「Beckham的表現得棒極了,他展現的態度無與倫比,」這位荷蘭射手說道。「缺賽一個月後要想找到自己的最佳狀態並不容易,但是他總是努力訓練,態度相當積極。那就是為什麼你總是可以信任他的原因。這對他而言是偉大的一天。」
