je ne danse pas

In Chinese there is phrase about people never change who they are. Well it is true.

I went home so early today. Before 3PM. And my host family has this strange look. Why don't u go out? What do you do in the afternoon? Pourquoi tu ne parts pas le soir?
Well, I'm lasy. As always. And I don't know how to say that in French.

Anyway today I came home early becoz I'm tired of walking, I have nothing special to do, and I need to go to toilette. I don't go out at night becoz my place is a bit off the downtown and once I get home I'm too lazy to go out.

"But how long do u need to walk, from Tram station to your home?" my Japanese classmate asked.
"About 5-10 minutes."
"5 minutes? But I need to walk for 20."
"er.........but my place is residence area and no one in the street at night."
"yeah me too."

Then again, I didn't do anything spacial at home. I didn't read or study as I wished. I don't know what I do everyday and a day just passed like that....

Alright. I'm just lazy. And feel I might be embarrassed by the fact that I don't drink nor dance, if I go to a bar or something. And I'm just not a chatty person, I realized, in no matter what language........

But it seems so hard to fit in if I don't go out (at night). Oh well.

I think I will go to the beach this weekend. But I heard the weather is getting cold. Grrrr.
