je suis malade

So I've stayed in Montpellier for 2 week, and I'm sick now.

and I realized when u get sick, the first thing to go malfunction in your brain is the language area, since last night i was like totally forgetting my french, it took me longer to comprehend.

"Huh? What? er...Pardon? Ah! Oui, oui, oui...."

So, things have been slowly getting on track, though i have not got my SIM card, or apply for the residence permit, or get the internet to work on my computer and stuff.....oh well, wish me luck.

Montpellier turned out to be bigger than i thought, which is a good thing, i think.
I am still getting myself oriented, everyday i feel like i haven't been doing much things and a day just passed, one after another, weird. I should study. But i've been lasy and felt there are lots of things to be done which i'm not doing. Ok, i'm sick and i don't know what i'm talking about.

But i do learn french faster here even though i didn't study much. Words and phrases you see everyday just naturally stuck in your head. Which is good, the way i like it. i'm too old to memorise things.

The other day i went to see the movie, i bought this "abonnement" of 5 seats in 25 euros valid for 6 months, which is good. Same price as in taiwan if i used my old student i.d., ha. There is better deals, like 10 seats for 47 euro valid for 1 year, but i didn't have that much money and i need self-control, considering 5 euro only gets you a sandwich and a tiny cup of coffee here, it's really cheap to see movies in comparison. Self Control. Think about the budget.

I'm using my hostmom's computer now, she's out, and i open the computer by myself, don't know if that's a good thing. I feel our relationship gone a little sour since I used the washing machine the other day, she was mad. Well, i did ask her about it in a few days advance, and i thought i have the liberty to use it. Oh well. Now i'm a bit nervous using things that she said i can use, haha.

Ok, now i need to do something constructive.....
